Thursday, August 23, 2012

A Long-Awaited Gift for Blair Hills

Cheri Sakai

LA county is literally handing Blair Hills a $5 million gift of walking
trails, community center, nature gardens, yoga center, exercise area, an
area where we can do art projects, play, enjoy nature or just  each other's
company. We can now have our own place to vote, have community meetings and have Blair Hills get togethers.

It is coming just in the nick of time for those in the community who may
soon be or already are limited in their ability to drive and get to other
parks and centers for senior activities.  Just being able to walk, enjoy
nature and exercise right in our own community on a daily basis could
lengthen our lives by another 10,20 or 30 years!  Added to that is an amazing idea for a center for all of us and our children to enjoy and learn from nature.

This is so much better than having another school on this property and the
related traffic we experienced for so many years.  And just as most of us
don't travel to Lindberg, McManus, or any of the other parks  we probably
won't see them coming to our park since these are not the types of
activities that would attract people from other communties as well as the
many fitness people who run up and down the steps off Jefferson.

Also, these activities will stop the homeless from parking themselves on
this property as they have begun to do already because along with the
development will be an office for David MacNeil who will oversee the
property as well as a regular maintenance crew and rules determining the
hours the park is kept open as is done at Kenneth Hahn Park.

So thank you everyone who enthusiastically supported this great gift to our
community!!!  Those who've been active in the Blair Hills community know how many years we have waited for this!

Cheri Sakai is a Blair Hills resident.

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