Saturday, January 21, 2012

School Board Meeting Preview

On Tuesday, January 24th, the School Board meets at 7:00 at City Hall (9770 Culver Boulevard). The agenda will include:

  • Public Hearings on the Initial Collective Bargaining Proposals for both the Culver City Federation of Teachers and the Culver City Association of Classified Employees

  • Principals Christine Collins (La Ballona) and Maryanne Turner (Culver Park High School) will present on instructional practices used to support student learning and achievement

  • District auditors will present on 2010-2011 audit results

  • 2 presentations on special education programs in Culver City (1 from “Culver City Citizens for an Ethical School Board” and 1 from Special Education Director Jo-Anne Cooper)

  • A review of the board policy on intradistrict open enrollment (Culver City families who want their kids to go to a school other than their home school)

  • Action on a board policy on Meeting Conduct that relates to the brown act and other open meeting regulations (covered by Gary Silbiger in a previous posting here)

  • Action on a board policy related to homework which includes sections on the amount of homework that students receive and how it should be counted as part of their grades

  • Recommendations related to the capital improvement projects (covered by Karlo Silbiger here and here and Jon Barton here) as proposed by ACE Community and the Superintendent

The meeting will also be broadcast live on channel 35 and streamed at The entire agenda and reference materials can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. the school board agenda conveniently did not use the description I sent to superintendent Jaffe as requested prior. This would be because the school board does not want anyone to become aware of the gross misconduct of its special education office, their attorneys, and whomever is authorizing the expenditure of hundreds of thousands of dollars to litigate against CCUSD's own special education students. Who is the proprietor of this blog and how do I reach them? Thank you
    (PS for more information on the school district's conduct as to litigating with its special ed students please contact me at
