On Monday, January 9, 2012, the City Council meets at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 9770 Culver Boulevard. If you are unaware of this meeting, it may be due to the agenda’s late public posting on Friday evening, January 6, 2012, although the policy is to have it posted by the Wednesday before the meeting. Considering the last City Council meeting took place December 12 – 4 weeks ago –Monday’s important agenda should have easily been made available to the public and elected officials at least one week prior to this meeting. The agenda includes:
- A presentation by City Manager John Nachbar regarding future plans in response to the recent California Supreme Court case, California Redevelopment Association vs. Matosantos, which concluded in dissolving Redevelopment Agencies in California, such as Culver City’s. John Nachbar is recommending a resolution to name Culver City as the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency.
- City staff is recommending the discontinuation this year of Culver City’s most popular cultural event, the summer Culver City Music Festival. The agenda report claims the $75,000 funding from the Redevelopment Agency no longer exists and it is not a priority to fund through the City’s general fund, as it had until 2004. The 8 summer Thursday evening concerts bring together close to 1,000 people weekly to enjoy the eclectic and exciting live music.
- Based on the Redevelopment Agency’s eventual demise (unless the State Legislature and Governor pass another law), Culver City is proposing the creation of a Culver City Housing Authority to receive the housing assets and perform the housing functions. The Housing Authority members will be the City Council members. This agenda report details the sad lack of Culver City’s responsibility to help those in need by not increasing “the supply of low and moderate income affordable housing units for low income, special needs and homeless families in more than 10 years”. Recently, 3 affordable housing projects have been approved. In addition, the Culver City Housing Fund is currently owed approximately $45,400,000 by the Redevelopment Agency.
This sad state of affairs will definitely make it easier to decide who will get my votes in the upcoming city council race.