Dan O'Brien
This year, as another summer winds to a close andparents begin to prepare for a new school year, our community needs to thinkabout more than new school clothes and supplies. We need to think aboutproviding a bulwark against continuing budget cuts from Sacramento. The CulverCity Education Foundation (CCEF) is working to provide just such a defense, andurges everyone in our community to join them in supporting the students in ourCulver City schools.
Arguably one of the most ethnically and culturallydiverse school districts in Los Angeles County, the Culver City Unified SchoolDistrict (CCUSD) serves as a haven of high achievement for students from allbackgrounds. By virtually every quantifiable measure, our schools are raisingthe bar in academics, the arts and athletics. Even in this economy, our schoolsare managing to provide a bounty of after school programs for our kids. CCEFhas been an important part of these success stories.
For over 30 years, CCEF has been providing fundingto our district's schools— in fact it is the only organization that works tosupport all of our kids at every oneof our schools.
Last year, in the face of still more budget cutsfrom Sacramento, CCEF launched an ambitious annual fundraising campaign for ourkids and our schools. It’s called All For1.
Last year’s AllFor 1 campaign has already funded $75,000 worth of technology upgrades andacademic software at each of our k-12 schools, recorders for every third gradeclass in the district, musical instruments for CCMS and CCHS, the collegereadiness program AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination), and so muchmore.
This year’s AllFor 1 campaign is just beginning. To build upon last year’s success CCEF isasking our entire Culver City community to join together for our kids. Parentsand relatives of current students, homeowners who understand that great schoolsmean high property values, and businesses eager for a productive ,well-educated workforce all have important roles to play. A smallcontribution from each household or business— even as little as $30, $20 or $10a month— would provide truly transformative funding for our schools.
To make a one-time donation or to set up monthly payments, please visitCCEF’s website at ccef90230.org/donate and follow the instructions. Thensit back and watch the difference your money will make in the lives of studentsright here in Culver City.
Dan O'Brien is the Executive Vice President of the Culver City Education Foundation and the Founder of the Culver City Great Parks Association.
Dan, Thank you for working on this great effort! Will they have the yard signs again this year?
ReplyDeleteThanks again.
Todd Johnson
Oh yes. Let's get them up, too! $100 or more gets you a sign. You can also do monthly payments online if $100+ is too much all at once. Go to:
We'll plant the sign in your yard within a few days.
Thanks Todd!