Thursday, June 14, 2012

Government By, Of, And For the Oil Companies???

Neil Rubenstein

Because I believe in democracy, I proudly served our country during the Vietnam War.  Today I feel compelled to serve the USA, our state of California, and the people of Culver City by speaking out against how big oil is trying to buy out the very democracy so many risked our lives to preserve.

As other oil companies have lobbyists trying to buy out our state by funding campaigns for weak and ineffective regulations, I get concerned that PXP may try to buy out Culver City.  For example, PXP and the state oil and gas regulators spoke to over 100 people at a meeting in March at Kenneth Hahn Park.  Most everyone left irate and angry.  The people felt the presentation was slick and oily and that the people were talked down to and not given adequate answers.  Shortly afterwards, PXP presented, the Culver City Education Foundation with a $20,000 check.  C'mon, PXP, we're looking the gift horse in the mouth.

How can we call these gifts "community benefits" when the potential damage to our school children's lungs and brains from possible gas leaks - if we let them frack our city - will cost our kids and their parents so much more?  And you know that by 2028, PXP plans to put 100 wells in Culver City!  Is this what we want our city to become?  Another Carson?

The state hearing on regulative fracking that took place in city hall last Tuesday raises questions for me.  How can you adequately regulate something that is not proven safe?  How can you regulate a procedure that is known to cause earthquakes, fires, and toxic emissions?  Didn't we learn this sad lesson back in the 1985 Ross Dress for Less fire that hospitalized many people?

Can PXP prove that they will NOT trigger the big one?  That their fumes will NOT make us sick?  I don't think so.  Maybe the regulations need to require PXP to put up enough money (not the paltry sum the county was satisfied with) and put it in an escrow account to insure our city and schools from potential damages.  Better yet, our city needs to do a budget analysis of the costs to Culver City should PXP trigger a disaster here.  Remember, we are sitting on an active 7.4 earthquake fault line.  In the military we analyzed worst case scenarios so we could be prepared.

Use the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico to model what would happen if there were a landlocked similar operational "mistake" here.  Are we prepared for a fiery inferno spewing toxins?  Anybody here really want to die for oil and be labeled "collateral damage?"  And if you survive, imagine your quality of life.  What would this do to our businesses?  Our restaurants as destination spots?  Is it worth taking such risks?

As I read the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, LA Times, Forbes, and other business and investment journal articles about this, I found that the ones who stand to profit most from this very risky process of hydraulic fracturing are the oil companies world wide.  The ones who bear the brunt of the hidden costs are the people and their children whose health, safety, property, and quality of life all too often get damaged or destroyed.

Unlike the ignorant, evil, or blind politicians who sell the people out, I trust that each of our Culver City Council members will demand that the regulation be a BAN ON FRACKING until it can be proven safe.  The FDA does this before it approves a drug.  Any company, including PXP, needs to first prove it does no harm.

This is what a democracy is about, why I enlisted in the Army - to preserve government by, of, and for the people, not for corporate profits.  As a proud American, I hope you will demand that the voice of the majority be heard and respected.  If not, let's say goodbye to democracy.

Neil Rubenstein is a former Member of the Culver City Disability Advisory Committee.

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