Friday, December 2, 2011

City Council Meeting Preview

On Monday, December 5, 2011, the City Council meets at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 9770 Culver Boulevard. The agenda includes:

  • Selection of a developer for negotiations to redevelop property located at 9300 Culver Boulevard (Parcel B) in the downtown area. Four developers have submitted proposals. For further information, read the attachments to this agenda item and see our November 7, 2011 article, “Parcel B Deadline: Tell Council What You Want For Downtown Culver City” by Meghan Sahli Wells.

  • Approval of an exclusive negotiating agreement with Habitat for Humanity to develop low and moderate income housing on Globe Avenue.

  • Consent items are “routine in nature” according to the City’s agenda. However, controversial topics, issues of importance to discuss, and items of value for the community to know are sometimes included in the consent items in the agenda. The December 5 agenda has 2 consent items which would be better organized as action items in order for the public to pay closer attention to them, staff to give its report, and the public and Council members to better discuss the merits of each. The first consent item of special interest is allocation of funds for the 2012 Performing Arts Grant Program as recommended by the Cultural Affairs Commission. This year the Commission is recommending funding 15 performing arts groups with grants from $1875 to $4500 each. The agenda materials include information about each group, the types, dates, and places of performance. The second consent item of special interest is approval of a Memorandum of Understanding/lease agreement with the Friends of the Culver City Scout House and the Culver City Rock and Mineral Club, Inc. for the renovations/repair and leasehold interest in the property located at 10866 Culver Boulevard (the Scout House). This agreement will allow the Friends of the Culver City Scout House to raise the money and do the work to repair the 2 existing buildings. When the work is timely completed, both organizations will have 20 year leases in the city owned property. City recreational purposes will also be available in the Scout House.

To see the full agenda and staff report, see this link.

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